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General to the United States and Canada governments reimburse the second loan

An integrated electric Super cars, General Motors, 26, announced that universal will be March 31, the Minister of finance to the United States and Canada Government reimbursement 11.9 million loan.

December 2009, General Motors Canada to the United States Department of Treasury and Government reimbursement of a first loan ― 12 billion. This means that universal will be March 31st second loan repayment.

General to the United States Treasury Department and the Government of Canada's total loan repayment are 67 million and 14 million. According to the General loan scheme before, General Motors each quarter will pay $ 1 billion, the repayment period to 2015 July 20. However, universal has changed plans to pay off the loan early decision.

President of General Motors (Gallery Forum) and CEO-Tarek in affirming that: "from GM's current operational situation, we will be repaid before the end of June this year, the United States Treasury Department and the Government of Canada of all loans. ”

[Edit: darkogao]