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Daimler and Renault reached an agreement of mutual holding 3%

Super cars news wire services reported, according to a comprehensive source , Daimler and Reynolds car cooperation negotiations has entered the drawing to an end, the parties will each hold each other symbolically "a" shares.

The insider, Daimler and Renault car is about to reach a cooperation agreement, the parties will mutually held the other 3% of the shares, Daimler and Renault will be officially announced a cooperation agreement.

As of now, in response to the report, Daimler and Renault have not published any comments.

It is reported that prior to the Reynolds and Daimler small car platform, components for sharing, light-duty vehicles, electric cars and engines, and other cooperation project conducted negotiations.

Currently, Renault held its Japan partners car Nissan 11% of the shares, the Renault-Nissan Alliance is always looking for the third partner.

[Edit: darkogao]