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European steam position against EU sanctions na China aluminum wheel

Recently, the European Union on China's production of aluminum hub imposition of anti-dumping duties concern. European Association of the automotive industry in China's Board of Directors yesterday there was a message to reporters, stand known as opposed to the EU's anti-dumping measures.

The message said that the EU's annual aluminium wheel market approximately 5400 million, while imports from China about 600 000. Of these, automotive original equipment manufacturers import quantity is 100 million, the remaining 500 million is mainly used in after-sales service. These import wheels currently or in the future will be to the detriment of EU financial interests. Not just manufacturers, parts of the user from the global sourcing brings competitive advantage, benefit from, and the anti-dumping measures would lead from China's aluminum wheel costs, contrary to the European automobile manufacturers ' collective interests.

Recently, the EU announced on China aluminum wheel hub of preliminary results, decide on China's manufacturing enterprises charged 20.6% of the provisional anti-dumping duty, since the 2010 date may 11. It is expected that 6 months the European Commission will publish the final results.

European Association of automobile industry five years ago in Beijing Representative Office was established at the end of China Board of Directors, mass China CEO van Andrade as Chairman of the Board. The Board of Directors consists of 13 members, these members are 13 in European passenger car, truck and bus manufacturer in the areas of the CEO. The newly established Board of Directors is to strengthen cooperation between the Chinese Government departments.

Yesterday, the European Association of the automotive industry in China's Board of Directors, said the Association supports equal trade, encouraged by positive dialogue to resolve this trade dispute. (Reported by Yang opened so)