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United States car fans in General Motors headquarters meeting called on the saving SABO

According to Reuters Messaging, Saab car fans gathered Tuesday afternoon, General Headquarters in their car, hand-held "rescue Saab" slogan, the hope is located at 39 storey high-rise on General Motors Board of Directors will be able to see.

美国车迷在通用汽车总部集会 呼吁拯救萨博

News that Saab car owners and car in the parking lot next to the General Headquarters, while GM Board of Directors is considering is the discontinuation of the brand or for sale.

It is learnt that from the United States in Portland, Maine's Ryan Emge organized this low-key rallies, he is the "Saab history" site operators.

Emge said: "we were together and turned to the generic level display banners. I don't know whether to be able to see the Board of Directors. I hope to catch their attention. ”

[Edit: yiyangcai]