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Sweden: Green cars and diesel vehicles get bigger market cake

Xinhua NET, January 4, Stockholm (Wu Ping) Sweden Sweden automobile industry organization "car" 4, published statistical data show that in Sweden 2009 sluggish car sales markets, environmental protection and diesel driven cars become a bright spot in market share, a new all-time high.

Affected by financial crisis, Sweden national car sales in 2009 only 21.3 million units, compared to 16 per cent decline in 2008; truck sales only 3.3 million units, an decrease 28.8 per cent.

Although the various types of car sales has different rates of decline, but environmentally-friendly and diesel driven cars relative to more consumers, its market share growth, respectively, accounted for 38% and 41%, respectively, than the 2008 3.9 and 4.9 percentage points, to a record high.

"Car" is expected, Sweden Sweden 2010 car sales will rebound, full-year sales are expected to be $ 23.5 million units, compared to 2009, growth of about 10 per cent, but will still be far less than the 2008 level.

[Edit: kehanchen]