Toyota United States executives: Toyota will continue to look for the cause of the failure
James ・ Lenz (right) at the hearing, an apology
Attended hearings were car Toyota United States sales company President and Chief Operating Officer James ・ Lenz.
Lenz in hearings on the story of Smith said, because what happened was embarrassed, like Smith and his family from driving Toyota products feel safe.
Compared with Smith, Lenz is the protagonist of the day of the hearing. He said that Toyota will continue to look for the cause of the failure.
Lenz insist on Toyota's position, said previously the gas pedal and the driver's seat and foot caused by one of the two issues, but the sudden acceleration and is not caused by a problem with the electronic control system.
Lenz said earlier he was convinced that the repaired vehicle recall will solve the problem. But when the United States House of representatives energy and Business Council President (Gallery Forum) ・ Henry Waxman today asked him, Toyota two recall can completely solve the problem, he replied: "cannot complete. ”
He said that, upon completion of the recall, then a sudden acceleration of unlikely events.
[Edit: yiyangcai]