Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi and other joint establishment of EV group
In order to regulate the electric car charger standards and better expand overseas electric passenger car market, Toyota and Japan the other three car companies and power companies, 15 March announced the establishment of the joint group.
The Group of five representative enterprises as : Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Fuji heavy industry, and electric power. Participation in the Group's company number up to 160, of which some enterprises belong to overseas enterprises, some business belongs to government enterprises. The combined group's name is "CHAdeMo", the name derives from the Japanese "charging" and "operation," two words.
CHAdeMo United Group official claims, including Japan, global automotive market on exhaust emissions and fuel-dependent awareness rising. In this environment, the electric car industry development in good time has come. But at the moment on the electric car industry need to overcome difficulties mainly in three points: 1. electric vehicle battery technology; 2. electric costs too high; 3. the need for extensive universal electric car charging station.
Currently, Nissan plans to launch in the second half of this year, paragraph 1, limit electric car Leaf; Mitsubishi Motors and Fuji heavy industries will now begin selling its own electric car models. Toyota also plans to introduce hybrid Prius car (Gallery Forum) of pure electric version.
The electric vehicle joint group will continue to develop electric vehicles industry charge details of specification for the platform. Which will include: charging voltage and charging socket, charging time and other details of the standards and requirements of all electric motors Japan in accordance with the standards.
[Edit: sunnyma]