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Toyota internal report: 07 year limited recall province of millions funding

In the new network, 22 Feb to foreign media reports that Toyota , motors in July 2009 the internal report, after consultation with the United States Government in 2007 on the issue of vehicles limited recall to save more than $ 100 million.

According to reports, the report of a subtitle is the victory of Toyota and industry, introduced the results of the "ideal of recall." The report has been submitted to the United States House of Representatives Committee on oversight and government reform.

According to the common social reports, Toyota, Toyota chapter male 24, at the Committee hearings. Because the United States Congress on Toyota "concealment of defects" mistrust intensifies, it is expected that Toyota will be subject to chapter male members of the stern rebuke.

In 2007, due to the existence of the gas pedal to return things hidden Toyota has Camry on (Gallery Forum) etc 5.5 million car mat implemented recall, last October after Toyota also announced twice on the gas pedal to repair it, the recall of vehicles exceeding 500 million units.

(The Chinese news network)

[Edit: yiyangcai]