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The Russian Government adopted a new strategy for the automotive industry will reduce investment

Super cars news, comprehensive foreign coverage of Russia by basic Government adopted the 2020 automotive industry development strategy. Prior to the automotive industry with long-term strategic investment evaluation compared to the new strategy of investment to reduce by one third, down to 1 to 1.2 trillion rubles. The Russian Government officials said that the investment was mainly affected by the economic crisis.

Under the new strategy, the original plan to purchase foreign automobile industry assets of approximately 1500 billion roubles has been canceled. Strategy makers had previously expressed, Khama, companies may be involved in the foreign car dealer of mergers and acquisitions activity, but the company emphasized that there is no such negotiations.

At the same time, the automobile companies of Russia investment assessment from previous 6300 billion roubles to 5840 billion rubles. However, government officials and automotive companies have publicly stated that the strategy of what specific plan was canceled. Prior to this estimate, to update the car company Russia requires investment in fixed assets is approximately 3300 billion rubles, for new research and development activities needed 1000 billion rubles, the construction of new auto parts production capacity require investment 1900 million rubles. In addition, the remaining investment for foreign car manufacturers are expected to conduct their business in the territory of Russia. Russia hopes that these governments invest not less than Volga automobile companies and Reynolds , Fiat and with Russia Sollers company investment.

Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at 4 March meeting emphasized that over the past several years, Russia has successfully introduced many of the world-level automobile manufacturers, Russia now they have become an integral part of the automotive industry. He said: "of course, this is not enough, this is the first step. Our ultimate aim is in of modern automotive industry, including all technology segments: from the plate to the vehicle production. "Russia plans to use the advantages of international cooperation in establishing the first new auto parts manufacturers.

According to the strategic plan, Russia automotive industry will emerge from the crisis. Turning to encourage automobile consumer policy (preferential car loan and trade-in), Putin urged Russia to rush to buy a new car. He said: "If you really plan to do so, it is now, in this year to buy a new car, not onto the next year. Such a condition remains to next year's not true. "

[Edit: darkogao]