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United States White House developed 2017 automobile fuel economy standards

Integrated foreign coverage, the United States Government plan on May 21, began to organize automobile industry experienced professionals in meeting to develop 2017 begins execution of automobile fuel economy standards.

United States White House, Obama a officials has been delegated USEPA and United States National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) 2014-2018 in heavy-duty truck fuel economy standards.

In addition to Obama himself, the United States portion of heavy truck production enterprise of CEOs, as well as representatives of the three United States Cheqi will attend the meeting.

According to the United States in 2007, the law provides that the new standards must perform, 2016 and Obama has requested that the execution time to 2014. At the same time, Obama will also be under the law, requires EPA to develop emission limits.

United States Government departments have to April 1, finalize the 2012-2016 implementation of fuel economy standards. It is understood that this standard will provide United States 18 million barrels of fuel savings.