Germany launches national electric car plans to try to be the market leader
Germany Merkel 3 days and more than 500 politicians, industry and research institutions have jointly launched in Berlin entitled Germany "national electric vehicle program" project. She said that Germany has a traditional car good basis, should strive for the electric vehicle market leader position.
But a number of research results show that the electric cars to have sufficient market competitiveness remains to be seen over time. Germany energy technology experts de East Kerr said that electric cars to replace the traditional automobile may have at least 25 years.
Plan 3 years after production
Merkel convened on the day of the meeting pointed out that the electric cars, future cars should be more environmentally friendly, more conducive to sustainable development and to help curb global warming. She said: "whoever does not develop electric cars today and make it as soon as the market will in the near future. ”
According to the "national electric car plans", the institutes, automobile manufacturers and related industries 147 consisting of 7 experts will, respectively, the working group to study electric vehicle development need to be addressed by the driver technology, battery technology, infrastructure, standardization and certification, materials and recycling, personnel and training, and policy conditions and other seven aspects. Among them, the battery technology is the most critical technology, it is still expensive for electric vehicles.
At present, in addition to Porsche , Germany all car manufacturers are to intensify the development of electric vehicles to market. According to the plan, Germany will begin in 2013 to achieve mass production of electric vehicles.
Germany's Government announced that no additional capital subsidies, last year launched a second stimulus plan contains only one at the end of 2011 to provide 5 billion euros of funds used to finance 1 battery research center and 8 electric urban pilot projects.
Weak consumer appeal
Although Germany Government in the development of electric vehicles, ambitious, Plan 2020 that Germany has 1 million electric cars every 45 cars in 1 vehicles are electric vehicles.
But a new survey shows that consumers on electric vehicle "feelings" are still very contradictory. 80% of the respondents said that their short term does not consider buying electric cars. 60% of the respondents, only to be able to buy at a reasonable price to the existing internal combustion engine vehicle performance is similar to that of electric vehicles will only be considering purchasing.
In addition, although the cost of production of electric cars had fallen, but over time will also be higher than the cost of a traditional car. It is estimated that in mass production, a single charge to driving 50 kilometres of automotive batteries cost about $ 2700 euros, can travel 100 km battery costs will rise to about