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The EU plans to introduce electric vehicle related technology standards

Super cars news, comprehensive foreign coverage of the European Commission (European Commission) recently announced the development of the world's leading vision electric vehicle technology.

This plan, within the EU, European production use uniform standards for battery charger, and before the end of next year to develop a battery charging standards.

EU industry Minister Antonio ・ Tower Ghani (Antonio Tajani) said: "Asia and the United States has initiated the development of electric cars related technology standards, Europe must also have a set of technical standards. No own technical standards, Europe will be very difficult to develop electric vehicle market. ”

Tower Ghani also indicated that although the EU is still uncertain-future vehicle market is electric cars, hydrogen energy car or other alternate energy vehicles, Member States agreed that electric cars will be the implementation of the long-term low-carbon transport.

Currently, traffic emissions account for EU CO2 emissions of a quarter.