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US House of representatives passed a new security bill cars will be on black box

United States House of representatives hearing CRI Board 26 local time to the vast majority voted in favour of the adoption of a motor vehicle safety act. It is understood that, in line with earlier initially by the automotive industry as well as senior members of the Democratic Party ・ John Dingell (John Dingell) version, this Bill has done a more obvious modifications, new vehicle safety standards.

The new United States House of representatives energy and Commerce Committee (the House Energy and Commerce Committee) of the Act, the proposed priority for vehicle brake systems, and incident data logger, the so-called black box. Was put in this way a more stringent legislation , because car Toyota mass recall events for the United States Government has sounded the alarm, hope in the future to avoid repeat of Toyota Motor. Reuters said the event let Toyota Motor in the quality and reliability of the rapid decline in popularity, the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) and also because there is not sufficient for Toyota issues strict but stigmatization.

As early as the beginning of this month, Reuters has reported that the United States National Highway Safety Administration leader David (David Strickland) said to Congress urging the Government to step up efforts to have a security risk models strictly implement the recall. This can contribute to the National Highway Safety Administration better according to law, in the implementation of the recall to more standardized.

In this new Act, the United States regulatory authorities also consider developing pedal installation, electronic systems, push button ignition systems and transport configuration, and other related standards, in addition, the new Act will also be a security risk by cheqi maximum fines from 1640 m before upgrading to 2 billion.

It is reported that the agreement will be handed over to the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Committee (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, hereinafter referred to as NHTSA) to determine the specific implementation of the new Act. For earlier about black box collects accident data 75 seconds before the proposal, the Committee decided to request rejected. (Yi Hai)