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Toyota Brazil third factories held the foundation stone laying ceremony

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Gaishi car - comprehensive electric reports, September 8,ToyotaAuto Brazil''s branch in Sao Paulo state, the third factories Sorocaba city held a ceremony.

Attended the ceremony are outlined, Sorocaba Sao Paulo governor Alberto Vitor Lippi, Japan''s mayor Ken Shimanouchi, Japan Brazilian ambassador in Sao Paulo state consul general Kazuaki Obe, Toyota automobile executive vice President Atsushi Niimi, Toyota Brazil branch representative and local suppliers, Banks and distributor representatives.

Toyota in Brazil otherwise two factories, located in Sao Bernardo do Campo a factory for the card roller and production parts, located in Hilux models Indaiatuba of another factory production card Laura models.

Toyota will invest about $6 billion to build a new factory, the new factory will employ around 1500 people. Expected 2012 in the second half, the new factory will start production of a compact car models, annual output will reach to 7 million vehicles.

(gaishi automobile net)