Modern car expected march us sales record levels
South KoreamodernThe U.S. auto industry competent said Wednesday, the company march us sales materials record highs, because of its new flagship seriesSuoNaDa(the atlas BBS)Cars strong demand.
Hyundai CEO John Krafcik American business in New York, said auto sales may march the American market in about 4.7-4.8 million vehicles, year-on-year growth of approximately 407 million vehicles as many as 18%. Modern in February after launch change of medium-sized cars SuoNaDa.
"We march sales fantastic. The only problem is end has no car to sell." Krafcik said. "for our sales kinetic energy we have many positive feelings."
The main depot, only modern car and itskiaAuto 2009 in the American market sales present grow. 2009 whole united auto sales downturn 21%, dropped to the lowest level 27 years.
Hyundai executives last month said, hope this year will American market share from 2009 4.2% extended to 4.5%, which the 2008 share of 3%.
Modern car and other depot released Thursday march U.S. sales data.